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Accident At Work Compensation Calculator

Find out how much you could claim in compensation for an accident at work

Type of Injury

Multiple choice questions about your injury or injuries

Further Details

Please provide us with more information about your injuries

Accident date and contact information

  • Step One
  • Step Two
  • Step Three

Multiple Choice Questions

Where did you sustain your injury?

What was the cause of your injury?

Please confirm your most serious injury

OPTIONAL: Is there a secondary source of injury (please select None if you only sustained one major injury)?

OPTIONAL: More Detailed Information

Final Questions

When did you sustain your injury?

How Much Is My Accident At Work Claim Worth?

The amount of compensation that you could be awarded for your accident at work will depend on the severity of your injury, how it was caused and what effect it has had on your life as a whole. The only way to get a proper indication of your own personal situation in terms of likely compensation is to speak to one of our specialist accident at work claims solicitors by calling us FREE, 24/7 and without ANY obligation on 0800 028 2060 or alternatively by clicking here to start your claim online.

Compensation awards take into account the impact that the injury has had on the patient not just physically but also in terms of lost income or pension and costs incurred during treatment – as well as any ongoing factors such as future care costs.

To find out more about making your own claim for accident at work, call us now on 0800 028 2060, click here to start your claim online or complete our compensation calculator below.